"It's never about the brand, it's always about the ingredients"

"It's not about being perfect, its about small changes you can make throughout your day that can make a big difference overall."

"We all grow in different ways..."
I was born in the country on Thunggutti/Dunghutti land. A place called Turners Flat in Kempsey NSW. My family lived in a old, white caravan whilst Dad built our house. By the time I was born, the house was mostly finished. I don’t remember a great deal because I was so young, however, I do remember the endless river that ran through the bottom of our property, the little rockpools my dad built for us to swim in, being attacked by one of our roosters and the snake that slithered into our kitchen one night.
At the age of 3, our family moved to a rental in Alstonville and not long after we settled in a quiet little town called Bangalow. (10min West of Byron Bay in northern NSW).
I have such fond memories of my childhood. Specifically, the large brown catholic church and its huge grassy fields directly across the road from our house. (Our second backyard where we would play as kids). The neighbours in the street, my brother and I would roll down the hills, track down to the creek, build cubbies in the mango tree, climb up the big church bell and try to not get attacked by plovers when they nested in the long grass. The main street was always dead after 7:00 p.m. and you couldn’t even grab a bottle of milk if you ran out because everything was closed. We used to say you could let off a bomb and no one would know the town was so quiet and empty.
I loved my country upbringing. I completed my high school education in Lismore and I knew I always wanted to move to Melbourne. not Brisbane, Not Sydney, like everyone else, but Melbourne! So I did! At 19, I moved to Melbourne. It was 2004. This simply felt like a natural pathway for me.
According to many, timing is everything; within 8 months in Melbourne, I met my future husband. 5 years later, the now-qualified Real Estate Agent (me) & her Banking and finance husband were engaged & married. We purchased our first home in October that year also, so yes, one of the busiest/most rewarding years of my life thus far.
Pregnancy was ultimately the spark for my curiosity & intrigue in making healthier lifestyle choices – like all parents, I wanted the very best for my child. I began reading about products you use on your skin that were absorbed into the placenta which could potentially affect your baby. I remember this moment vividly; it all starts with me…!
I immediately started making organic and greener product choices because they were supposed to be better & the right thing to do – which I genuinely thought at the time. After already making some big changes in our household with the way we recycle, reuse materials, establish better air quality, and making some of my own products, this led me to the experimentation with Essential oils.
After a healthy pregnancy, Alexander (our first-born son), sadly passed at 6 weeks of age with complications. Thankfully my husband & I made it through as a couple during this devastating period & within a year, I fell pregnant again. Our rainbow baby Harvey graced us in May 2014. Slightly under four years later, Emily, our beautiful girl was born in April 2018.
Alexander is the sole inspiration for the way we live and the choices we make every single day.
Grief – (where to begin….) changed my perspective on A LOT of things and moved me away from mainstream media, invariably guiding me up to trust my own thought process & intuition. I lacked the confidence to put myself out there and my insecurities held me back. I know it sounds strange as Instagram is now deemed as “mainstream” but it allowed me to find like-minded people, who have the same passion & love for healthier choices. These relationships/connections and freedom to express myself established via this specific platform are pivotal instruments for me navigating my grief, so Thank You.
My passion for educating myself on healthier choices began with copious amounts of reading, watching documentaries, studying, and attending classes to equip me with the necessary knowledge and tools to decode labels to understand exactly what is in the everyday products we use. Just because products are listed as organic, natural, good for the earth or green, generally it is just a lot of clever marketing and greenwashing that tricks us into believing it is better for us.
This led to my healthy obsession “It’s never about the brand, it’s always about the ingredients”
I began by making incremental ingredient changes (which ultimately means product changes) room by room. I started with ingredient changes for our kids which at the time I thought were “organic” and safe, when in fact they still contained preservatives, fragrances, endocrine disrupters, neurotoxins, respiratory toxins, reproductive toxins which often contain only one or no organic ingredients at all.
What has become evident along my journey, is there are so many people like me who would like less jargon & tricky marketing, and simply to tell me if the ingredient/s in the chosen product are the healthiest choice; So that’s exactly what I’m doing..!
It’s quite humbling as so many people ask about my family and suggestions around the home, so I occasionally share some cooking suggestions, my life as a mum to my incredible family, child loss and my daily journey with grief.
I feel so incredibly passionate about educating people. Specifically, mothers/women/parents/guardians mostly control what comes into their homes.
My vision is to share my knowledge and assist you in making the healthiest choices by removing potentially toxic and harmful chemicals, and creating the home your family thrives
Amelia x
I always have people asking if they can provide a small donation for my time, for helping them with questions and concerns they may be experiencing. I have fianlly set up a buy my a coffee account, because we all know how much I love coffee. Thank you

Oct 2023- Completed Advanced Certificate of Food Addatrives and preservatives

March 2022- Completed 8 week module on Children’s Environmental Health